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About Us
The ZeroNow Campaign is the voice of survivors in ending the culture of fear, silence and institutional betrayal that allows sexual violence and sexual harassment to thrive — and so many of its victims to be harmed.
We are victim-informed, policy focused and survivor driven. Since its founding well before the #MeToo era began, The ZeroNow Campaign has been active in raising awareness about the pervasive and traumatic nature of sexual violence and sexual harassment. Over the years, hundreds of women have come forward to ZeroNow to share their stories and to seek help and guidance on their healing journey. These women have come from every field of work and walk of life, from universities to factories, from law firms to restaurants, from tech giants to the military and law enforcement.
This knowledge has uniquely informed our understanding that if we truly want to end this social virus that infects our workplaces, our campuses and our communities, we need to end the culture of fear, silence and institutional betrayal that makes it possible. And we need to focus on preventing the profound emotional and physical harms that have devastated countless lives and ended some in tragedy.
The ZeroNow Campaign™ was founded by Kathleen Finlay whose personal experience as a victim has made acutely aware of the devastating effects of sexual violence and its too often harmful and mishandled aftermath.
Kathleen has contributed substantially to the body of literature on the subject, and has successfully advocated ground-breaking changes anti-harassment laws at the government level. She is known for compassionate voice for victims, her fearless roar against bad actors and enablers of sexual violence and her innovative solutions that make a difference in the everyday life of victims. Her work in the healthcare field, as CEO of The Center for Patient Protection, has made her uniquely aware of the potentially life-threatening barriers women often face in obtaining necessary treatment and diagnostic services when it comes to sexual violance and sexula harassment.
It is well established that most victims never come forward to report experiences of sexual violence and sexual harassment. Their reluctance is clothed in fear: fear of not being believed; fear of adverse job repercussions; fear of being shamed or shunned by co-workers. But the greatest fear of all is that in coming forward, that expression of trust will be met, not with support and compassion, but by efforts to silence and punish. Clinicians and scholars call this institutional betrayal. Women who experience it, as U.S. Senator Martha McSally famously put it, call it being assaulted all over again.
If we are serious in achieving zero tolerance for sexual violence and sexual harassment, we need zero tolerance for the culture of harm and betrayal that allows those abuses to thrive. And we need it now.
By working with victims and advocating with governments and policy makers, by being available to media to make informed, victim-focused comments and by partnering with scholars and social leaders, The ZeroNow Campaign will continue to advance this next frontier in safety and equality for women.