Your Story | Your World

In this watershed moment on the long road to achieving dignity and respect for women everywhere, it is the personal narrative that is the driver of change. We want to hear your story. Whether the experience involves a university, retail chain or factory, a restaurant, law firm, government agency or a bank — or anywhere else women are at risk — your story matters. Just think about what the courageous victims of abuse in the RCMP (some pictured above) did when they came forward and laid the groundwork for an entire shift in institutional culture.  Because of their bravery, maybe women who speak out in the future will not have to pay the huge price these women have. 

We hear from victims like these women, and like you, every day. We also hear from victim advocates, lawyers, physicians and HR professionals around the world.

A number of these experiences were included in two heartfelt presentations The ZeroNow Campaign made to the Canadian House of Commons in 2018.

Our mission to help victims and combat sexual misconduct is strengthened by the combined personal narratives of victims and their families. These stories provide an invaluable experience base for our advocacy that has already led to changes in laws and serves as important messaging for the media who need to focus on the reality of #MeToo in the everyday world. 

They also help to remind victims and survivors alike that we are not alone. Knowing that survivors are supporting victims is empowering to women who are deciding to come forward, sometimes after many years, or even decades, living in the shadows of fear and humiliation. And remember, what you share with ZeroNow will be kept in total confidence.  

No, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford did not change the course of the Kavanaugh nomination. But she did awaken eyes to the realities of the long-term trauma that afflicts so many victims and the complex nature of neurobiological factors that healthcare professionals, law enforcement officials and judges, especially, need to understand if we want them to avoid causing more damage.  Recognition of the need for all organizations to adopt trauma-informed practices took a big leap forward because of Dr. Ford. 

Your stories also inspired me to share my own. Working together, we can all make the difference that is desperately needed.